Hey In this tutorial we are going to see How to Show and Hide Text in WordPress Posts by Using jQuery.
For ShowHide Text Using JQuery show() and Hide() Method & For Toggle Effect using JQuery slideToggle().
Totally 7 Line Javascript Code only
How to Show and Hide Text in WordPress Posts?
you can easily install this Show/Hide JQuery Plugin on your WordPress website by Creating Site Specific Plugin for this show and hide JQuery Widget.
- Open your WordPress plugin Directory via FTP (wp-contents/plugins) or create a plugin locally
- Create a Folder for the Plugin Named as “simple-show-hide“
- Now a Create a New File named as “awts-simple-shde.php“
- Copy and paste this Below code on the Newly created PHP File
<?php /* * Plugin Name: Simple jQuery Show and Hide Text * Plugin URI: https://www.allwebtuts.com/ * Description: Simple jQuery Show/Hide text Plugin for WordPress * Version: 1.0 * Author: Santhosh veer * Author URI: https://www.allwebtuts.com/ * License: GPLv2 or later * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ // Plugin CSS File add_action('wp_head','showhide_css'); function showhide_css() { $output="<style> .show-hide { line-height: 30px; margin:auto; font-size:16px; padding:5px; text-align:center; background:#555; border:solid 1px #666; color:#ffffff; border-radius:3px; } .show-hide { cursor:pointer; } </style>"; echo $output; } // Simple jQuery Show/Hide Plugin by Santhosh veer function awts_showhide( $atts, $content = null) { // Attributes $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'sub' => '', ), $atts, 'showhide' ); // Return custom embed code return '<p class="show-hide">' . $atts['sub'] . '</p> <div class="sh-panel">'.$content.'</div>'; } add_shortcode( 'showhide', 'awts_showhide' ); function showhide_script_init() { wp_enqueue_script( 'showhide', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js', array('jquery') ); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'showhide_script_init'); function showhide_init() { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".sh-panel").hide(); $(".show_hide").show(); $(".show-hide").click(function(){ $(".sh-panel").slideToggle(); }); }); </script>'; } add_action('wp_footer', 'showhide_init');
- If you created this plugin directly from your WordPress site Hosted File Directory then Goto Plugins > Installed plugins & Active your newly Created plugin for show and hide text
- created it from your local Directory? just Compress it to zip Format with folder go to plugin > add new > Upload plugin.
- That’s all Done 🙂
How to use this Plugin?
Use this Below shortcode to Display Show and Hide text in WordPress posts
[showhide sub="Let me Show it Pls"] Santhosh veer [/showhide]
- Sub – Heading for Button
- Insert the Content Between [showhide sub=”Button text”]Content[/showhide]
From the Editor’s Desk
Currently, we can use Only one Show and Hide Text Effect in WordPress Posts.It does not support Multiple Show and hide text on the Single post.Soon I will write the tutorial for Displaying the Multiple Show/Hide text on Single WordPress posts.
If you Have any doubts and Queries Related to this Topic Just Drop your Comments Here I will Guide you.
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